Writers write. But sometimes e aren't quite sure what to write about. The Weekly Spark is a place you can visit once a week for ideas or exercises intended to get the lead out. Get the lead out! As in your pencil...(insert smiley emoticon here). Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Fun with Telemarketers!

Over in the phone, I sold photo packages for a national studio...for one day. I was twenty and needed the work.  Most people just ended the call without comment; others were very clear in sharing their disgust at my invasion. Eight hours of cold-call telemarketing was more than enough for me.  I sold nothing, and grew so very, very tired of the script that I was commanded to follow verbatim.  "Follow the script, and you'll sell." I followed the script, and I ran!

These days, I receive only 1 or 2 calls a month from businesses trying to earn my dollar (thank you No Call List!), and I am so very sympathetic to the plight of the phone salesperson, but...I can't stand the lack of creativitiy in their pitch.  I can feel their lack of interest even before they say anything, which has led me to a very fun game and the topic of this week's Spark: Create a response to a telemarketer (selling anything--credit card counseling, computer repair, alarm systems) that would keep the invasive caller on the phone while making any stand-by listeners laugh.  I've entertained my family at length by dragging out a dead sales pitch well past the point of the the caller's script or desire to close the sale.

It may seem cruel, but it can be a fun source for exploring your inner "dunce."  Good luck!